At our dental clinic is possible to have dental checks-up, dental care, oral surgery and dentistry with higher standards of professionalism and assistance.

Pain therapy

This treatment cures temporomandibular joint disorders and oral facial pains. This kind of pain involves the oral cavity, the head and face areas.

The symptoms are:

  • clicks or noises can sometimes be heard coming from the jaw joint when you chew or move your mouth.
  • Dizziness (vertigo)
  • Backache
  • Headache
  • Facial muscles pain
  • Shoulders/neck stiffness.
Terapia del Dolore 1 Terapia del Dolore 2
Pain therapy: Temporomandibular joint disorders, Oral-facial pains


Di Mari's dental clinic is high qualified in teeth straightening through interceptive orthodontics (oriented towards children) and functionl orthodontics (treatment which is done during growth).
The main purposes are:

  • to correct and harmonize skeletal development
  • to help the permanent tooth eruption
  • to get rid of bad habits

Metal braces, ceramic braces and clear orthodontic aligners, wich are removable, transparent and comfortable, are used to correct problems concerned with the position of the teeth, what has caused them to arrive at their current position, and what future movement may be needed.

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Orthodontics: Teeth straightening, Dental and skeletal problems

Laser Therapy

Teeth whitening, orthodontic biostimulation, periodontal diseases are treatments done by the laser therapy.
In dentistry , the laser therapy is very useful because it has got many advantages for the patients:

  • less bleeding on the treated area;
  • less pain;
  • recovery is faster;
  • It reduces the use of anaesthetic.
Laser therapy: Conservative dentistry therapy, Orthodontics, Oral hygiene, Teeth whitening

Bruxism and Sleep Apnea

According to a study by the American Accademy of Sleep medicine, Bruxism and snoring are the main causes of sleep disorders.
Bruxism is a habit that affects around 50% of the population. It is broadly characterised by the involuntary grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw, during sleep, that causes tooth wear and breakage, disorders of the jaw (pain and limited movement) and headache.
Snoring can also cause sleep disorder. It has been found that snoring causes sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea causes cardiovascolar diseases, stroke, heart attack, ischemia.

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Bruxism and Sleep Apnea: Bite, Odonto-Apneia

Oral Hygiene

This treatment comprehends: teeth cleaning, plaque and tartar removing, teeth stain removing, fluoride applications important to prevent tooth decay, dental and parodontal diseases.

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Oral Hygiene: Teeth cleaning, Sensitive teeth, Teeth polishing

Aesthetic Dentistry

Treatment which involves the use of modern whitening procedure to bleach stained teeth caused by substances such as caffeine, nicotine, theine.

Aesthetic Dentistry: Teeth whitening, Stained teeth, caffeine, Nicotine

Conservative Dentistry Therapy

Restoring the function, integrity and morphology of a compromised tooth damaged by decay, chips and crack.
The treatment involves dental fillings, reconstructions, inlay through the use of special materials which make possible the restoration of teeth.

Terapia Conservativa 1 Terapia Conservativa 2
Conservative Dentistry Therapy : Dental fillings, Recostructions


This dental treatment aims to cure compromised and diseased teeth. It comprehends tooth devitalisation, infected apex treatments, root canal cutting.

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Endodontics: Devitalisation, Granuloma


It deals with the preservation of healthy gums and the treatment of periodontal diseases. Scaling, curettage and periodical controls are methods used to prevent gums and oral cavities diseases.

Paradontologia 1 Paradontologia 2
A: Gingivitis B: Periodontal Diseases C: Light D: Moderate E: Serious
Periodontics: Root hygiene, Scaling, Curettage


Pedodontics deals with children and their problems with their teeth in order to prevent future problems. It is a painless and non-invasive treatment.
If the child:

  • sucks his/her thumb
  • breathes through the mouth
  • he/she has got sleep problems
  • he/she shows atypical swallowing

he/she might suffers from breathing dysfunction, swallowing dysfunction, postural and chewing problems, so it is better not to wait as there is a suitable soluntion for every age.

Pedodontics: Baby tooth

Dental Prosthesis

Di Mari's dental clinic deals with fixed and mobile prosthesis.

Dental Prosthesis: Fixed prosthesis, Mobile prosthesis Chewing functions


Replacing missing teeth trough the use of dental implants implanted in to the mandibular bone in order to restore chewing functions and for aesthetic and phonetic purposes.

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Implantology : Bone implant

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